Tadalafil from Canada (Cialis Tablets)

Men are more and more health conscious and their intimate health is no exception to the rule. This is also the case with impotence in men, which today affects more than 38% of men over the past year. Fortunately, this disorder today has many solutions.

Cialis allows men to find an erection without trouble and to enjoy fulfilling sex. Tadalafil was approved in 2003, the same year that it appeared on the market, and until now the substance remains a treatment recommended by urologists thanks to its prolonged duration of action, allowing greater flexibility to have intercourse.

Price in Canada and the U.S.

What is the price of Tadalafil in pharmacies of the U.S. and how much can you save ordering it from Canadian pharmacy? Below, you will find the dosage and the average price observed (freely set by pharmacies) in the U.S.

  • Tadalafil 20 mg Package of 4: $70, Package of 8: $104
  • Tadalafil 10 mg Package of 4: $75
  • Tadalafil 5 mg Package of 28: $110, Package of 84: $253
  • Tadalafil 2.5 mg Package of 28: $113

The prices indicated are likely to vary according to the pharmacies, and provided as an indication. Just like drugs not reimbursed by social security, pharmacies freely set the price of Tadalafil. It may therefore cost less depending on the pharmacies and the prices listed may vary by 20%. The dosage and packaging of Tadalafil can also lead to price variations.

In the U.S., they package and market Cialis only in the following formats:

  • Tadalafil 20 mg: Packages of 4 and 8 tablets
  • Tadalafil 10 mg: Packages of 4 tablets
  • Tadalafil 5 mg: Packages of 28 and 84 tablets
  • Tadalafil 2.5 mg: Packages of 28 tablets

Is there cheaper Tadalafil in Canada?

You can compare prices from one pharmacy to another or get a prescription for tadalafil, which is the generic, which is cheaper and has been available in Canada for a few years now.

What is the price of Tadalafil from Canada? It is estimated that tadalafil costs around 75% less than Tadalafil, for the same effectiveness. For example, the average price of a tadalafil 20 mg tablet is around $4 in pharmacies (boxes of 8 tablets). However, these prices can vary considerably from one pharmacy to another (between $1.50 and $4.50).

So the average price for a box of 8 tablets of tadalafil 20 mg is about $24 – sometimes cheaper, sometimes more. As with any drug, generics are cheaper because patenting or marketing costs do not influence the drug – unlike branded drugs.

Warnings and precautions

Like all medicines, Tadalafil can have side effects; they are nevertheless light to moderate, if you follow the course of treatment and the dosage (consultation with a doctor and obtaining a prescription).

For most medicines containing strong active ingredients like Tadalafil, consultation and prescription by a sex therapist is necessary. This means that treatment can be dangerous when it is not right for the situation a man is going through. That’s why he’s under medical supervision.

Side effects

Extremely rare, some side effects require discontinuation of treatment and prompt consultation with your doctor. These effects are: Common side effects of Tadalafil (seen in 1 to 10 in every 100 patients): Uncommon side effects (1 to 10 in 1000 patients)


Rare side effects (1 to 10 in 10,000 patients):


  • Allergic reactions such as rash (uncommon)
  • Chest pain (uncommon)
  • Priapism (prolonged and painful erection). See a doctor if your erection exceeds 4 hours.
  • Sudden loss of vision (rare frequency)
  • Headache
  • Back pain or muscle pain
  • Pain in the arms or legs
  • Hot flashes
  • Stuffy nose
  • Indigestion
  • Dizziness
  • Stomach ache
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Gastric reflux
  • Blurry vision
  • Eye pain
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Blood pressure too low or too high
  • Fainting
  • Seizures and transient memory loss
  • Swelling of the eyelids
  • Red eyes
  • Hearing loss


If you get any of these side effects, see a doctor. They may adjust or change your treatment. There are many erection medications available and not all have the same side effects. However, it is important to know the side effects of a medication, in order to prevent risky situations (even if these effects are generally uncommon).