
TERRY FENGE 1950 – 2015

Terry was the Executive Director of CARC during the nineties and a pivotal time for the Canadian Arctic. Originally from the United Kingdom Terry became a Canadian citizen and a leading expert on northern and Indigenous issues. He was the senior negotiator for Tungavik Federation of Nunavut on negotiations that resulted in the 1993 Nunavut Land Claims Agreement as well as being strategic counsel to the Inuit Circumpolar Council. He began work on the circumpolar region in 1993, participating first in the Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy, and then in the Arctic Council since its formation in 1996, primarily in the role of an advisor to Arctic Indigenous peoples with status as Permanent Participants in the Arctic Council. He published many books and dozens of papers including Northern Lights Against POPS: Combatting Toxic Threats in the Arctic widely seen as pivotal writing on pollution in the north.

Terry is remembered as a determined fighter for the rights of Indigenous people and an environmental champion of the Canadian Arctic.

The following archives are dedicated to the memory of Terry Fenge and his outstanding work and legacy.

The CARCives will be continually updated and added to. Right now the items listed in the sub menus only represent a tiny fraction of the work that has done over the last 40 years.

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